May 1, 2024

Maritime Transport Partnership

A great partnership cemented with a truck donation

Claire Stevens

Maritime Transport first worked with HaAD in 2022 when transport was required to deliver over 50,000 duvet and pillow sets which had been donated by Whitbread/Premier Inn.  The trucks delivered the items to the Romanian border for safety, and there the aid was taken for onward transmission through Ukraine to those who were in desperate need. It's next job will be to become involved with the staggered delivery of 2,000 mattresses, also kindly donated by Premier Inn hotels, which are also heading to Ukraine.

Recently, as a charity, we were overwhelmed with the Maritime donation of a 2019-plate Scania truck(Euro 6 Scania R 450) and trailer.   This is a marked improvement upgrade to our 40-tonne truck previously used. It will join our small fleet of two 7.5-tonne vehicles that the charity already utilises. A huge thank you to Alex Williams, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Maritime Transport who was central to making this happen.

This new addition will begin service shortly continuing the support of aid deliveries to Ukraine and also to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.  The summer will also include a distribution of sleeping bags and tents salvaged from UK festivals to vulnerable families in Calais and the Pas-de-Calais region.

Maritime Transport is one of the largest integrated road and rail freight logistics operators in the UK.  It is clear they are proud to support our work and understand the challenges of getting aid to people in these highly charged, crisis areas affected by conflict. The truck donation will significantly add and enhance our ability to commit to further corporate projects.

Charles Storer MBE, Head of Operations, Hope and Aid Direct:

‘Maritime is really showing other corporates how to be a ‘force for good’ in a real, positive way and this new addition to our fleet will see us many years into the future, ensuring we can continue to provide humanitarian aid under challenging conditions to people in unimaginable circumstances. A huge thank you to Maritime and Whitbread for their exceptional support

See for further information.

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